A hearing test provides an evaluation of the sensitivity of a person’s sense of hearing and is most often performed by an audiologist using an audiometer. An audiometer is used to determine a person’s hearing sensitivity at different frequencies. There are other hearing tests as well, e.g., Pure Tone Audiometry [PTA] test, Tympanometry test etc.
Pure Tone Audiometry [PTA]
Description :
It assesses the Frequency Specific Hearing Sensitivity Level (upto 8 kHz) subjectively.
Validation of Report: Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
- Age range is around > 6 years.
Immittance Audiometry (Low Frequency Tympanometry & Acoustic Reflexometry)
It is objectively assesses mobility of the Tympano-Ossicular system as well as to rule out any Middle Ear Pathology (Tympanometry) & assesses the Acoustic Reflex Pathways (Ipsi & Contra) (Acoustic Reflexometry).
Test Preparation:
Chewing, Swallowing, & Head or body movements are not allowed during testing as well as during sedated deep sleep, positive pressure may build up in the Middle Ears, which can compromise the results; although positive Middle Ear Pressure does not have any significant diagnostic values.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).
Eligibility Criteria:
Patient having Active Otorrhea, Severe Otalgia, H/O recently operated Ear(s), Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), Perilymphatic Fistulas are generally not a reliable candidate for tympanometry & Tullio Phenomenon and Hyperacusis suffering patients for Acoustic Reflexometry .
Speech Audiometry [SRT+SDS]
Speech Audiometry (SRT, SDS/WRS, SAT, MCL, UCL, DR, Rollover Ratio or PI-PB Function etc.)
is subjectively assesses the speech perception ability of the patient & Rollover Ratio is used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
- Age range is around > 8 years.
- Typical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss is required otherwise outcome will be Insignificant for Rollover Ratio.
Tone Decay Test [T.D.T]
Tone decay test is used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology subjectively.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
- Age range (generally > 8 years) is depends on Intellectual Functioning Level of the Patient.
- Typical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss is required otherwise outcome will be Insignificant.
- For Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance Test & Supra Threshold Adaptation Test, Unilateral or Asymmetrical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss (>40 dB or more) is required.
Short Increment Sensitivity Index [S.I.S.I]
SISI test is used to rule out Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology subjectively
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological conditions)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
- Age range (generally > 8 years) is depends on Intellectual Functioning Level of the Patient.
- Typical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss is required otherwise outcome will be Insignificant.
- For Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance Test & Supra Threshold Adaptation Test, Unilateral or Asymmetrical Sensory/Neural Hearing Loss (>40 dB or more) is required.
Tinnitus Matching / Masking
It is used for (audiological) assessment & management of tinnitus subjectively.
Test Preparation:
Pure Tone Audiometry is mandatory before this.
Validation of Report:
Around 1 month (depends on advancing age Pathological conditions).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intact/Normal intellectual Functioning level.
- Age range is generally adult population.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy [T.R.T]/Per Sitting
TRT is a threapy for reducing tinnitus in ear. This therapy is done when patient having tinnitus (ringing sound) in ear. You have to sit idle when threapy is don. Tinnitus Matching result are used to do Tinnitus Threapy. Audiometer is used for tinnitus therapy. It requires several sitting (vary from patient to patient) to reduce tinnitus. No preparation required for this test.
Test Preparation:
Report considered to be valid till 3 to 6 months if other wise no significant changes taken place.
Eligibility Criteria:
If Tinnitus Matching is done then only therapy continues otherwise these therapy not done. Drunken & drug addicted people or people suffering from contaminated diseases are not allowed for this test.
B.E.R.A / A.B.R. [ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry ] Diagnostic
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)/ Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) [Diagnostic]
Air Conduction ABR:
It is used for Site of Lesion (differentiate Cochlear from Retrocochlear Pathology) testing & for threshold estimation (average degree of Hearing Level) objectively; in difficult to test population.
Bone Conduction ABR:
It is used to detect Average Bone Conduction Hearing Level as well as Type of Hearing Loss, objectively (only in combination with Air Conduction ABR) & in presence of Anatomical Deformities like Aural Atresia/Stenosis etc.
Test Preparation:
Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age range is generally > 3 months.
- Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.
A.S.S.R [Auditory Steady State Response]
Auditory Steady State Response/ASSR Or Amplitude Modulation Following Response/AMFR or The Envelop Following Response/EFR or Steady State Evoked Response/SSER or Steady State Evoked Potential/SSEP [Diagnostic]
It assesses Frequency Specific (500 Hz to 4 kHz) average Hearing Sensitivity Level (degree of Hearing) objectively in difficult to test population.
Test Preparation:
Sedation or Natural sleep is generally required for elimination of Muscle Artifacts.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age range is generally > 2 months.
- Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.
Oto Acoustic Emission Test [O.A.E] Diagnostic
Oto Acoustic Emissions/OAEs (Distortion Product & Transient Evoked) [Diagnostic]
It assesses the Outer Hair Cells Functioning upto Periphery Level & to rule out Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorders, objectively (only in Combination with Air Conduction ABR).
Test Preparation:
Sedation or Natural sleep is generally preferred but in awake condition with quiet state, this test is done successfully.
Validation of Report:
Around 3 months (depends on advancing age & Pathological Conditions).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age range is generally > 24 hours after birth.
- Patient having Active Otorrhea, Impacted Cerumen/Debris in EAC, Anatomical Deformities (Aural Atresia/Stenosis), are generally not a candidate for this test.