Founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Hearing Aid Specialist
Mr. Omar Faruk a Veteran in the field of Hearing aid industries is the founder of ADVANCED HEARING CENTER .He established this center in 2010 with his endurance .Today he has accomplished to have created a huge family of happy hearing patients. He has a dedicated team who has been with him since long time & devoted to patient care. To give better service to hearing impaired people & those who are facing difficulty in speaking, he brought qualified hearing specialist from India.
He personally got trained on hearing instrument from different countries (Singapore and India).
He has attended many workshop which is organized by different Hearing aid companies.
He is associate with all leading hearing aid companies like Phonak, Starkey, Rexton (Former Siemens), Oticon, Bernafon, Arphi, Audioservice, Unisound.